Akademie von Denys Bilko

Organization and layout of the COVID-19 testing laboratory
- Location: Live webinar
- Video price: for free
- Video duration: 1 hour and 25 minutes
- Language: English
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A recording of this webinar is available.
Organization and layout of the COVID-19 testing laboratory: theoretical and practical aspects towards biosafety and technical competence
This online seminar covers the whole spectrum of microbiological as well as technical measures for COVID-19 testing laboratories: from detection methods to analytical actions, from laboratory layout and flows separation to HVAC system design considerations. Including the topic of risk analysis, we discuss the central aspects of concepts and building solutions keeping in mind that time is of the essence, but also bearing in mind, that laboratory preparedness for this and following health crisis is indispensable.
The issue also concerns you? Sign up and discuss solutions and aspects with our speaker Dr. Denys Bilko.